Monday, March 10, 2008

Worth a thousand words...

Yet another scandal in government, no big shocker there. What struck me about the article on was the photo accompanying it.

His face says either, "I really screwed the pooch on this one." or "I'm sorry I got caught."

His wife's face says, "How could you? I am so broken and betrayed. You slimy greaseball of a man. I can't believe I have to stand by your side for this crap. I deserve better."

My heart is all kinds of sad for her.

1 Responses (Leave a Comment):

The Mama said...

I saw his little speech on the news and I was shocked his wife was standing next to him. It's almost pathetic really, a woman standing there as if to say "I'm really not worth anything, it's ok, I'm gonna stand by my man who stabbed me in the heart because it's my job."

Reminds me of someone someone running for president. *puke*