Monday, April 07, 2008

The Army has a flat tire

Now that I'm home, I can blog about vacation goings-on. And I'll probably do this in reverse chronological order, because the stuff that happened last is the stuff freshest in my mind.

On the way home yesterday, we were driving through the expansive wasteland that is central Indiana when we came to a screeching halt. Literally. I thought we were going to get rear ended because when the speed limit is 70 and it's sunny and clear, nobody expects to have to stop in the middle of I-65.

As we rolled past the delay, I saw them. Servicemen and women, in camo, setting up flares around their convoy. One of their huge trucks had suffered a blow out and they were stranded on the side of the road.

Now I've always said that I support our troops but I do NOT support the war. I firmly believe that the two aren't mutually exclusive. I do love my country. I do, I really do. But I hate Bush and I hate the status quo and I hate political and corporate corruption. But I support our troops, with my whole heart I do and I know I could never be a military wife or serve myself. However, I didn't expect the deep visceral reaction I had when I saw the unit stranded. Tears sprang up in my eyes and all I could think was "Better here than Baghdad."

Yesterday, reported more troops in Iraq dead and wounded. Everyday, some body's son or daughter or husband or wife or father or mother is hurt or killed...and for WHAT? Don't we have enough problems here in our own country to take care of? We can get on with policing the rest of the world when we get our own stuff straight and manage to perfect a Utopian society. Until then, bring the troops home. The Army has a flat tire - literally and metaphorically. It's time to change it.

1 Responses (Leave a Comment):

The Mama said...

Preach it sistah!!