Monday, April 14, 2008

Why buy the cow and pay $7 a gallon for the milk when you can get it at White Hen for $2.49?

We are now the proud shareholders in an Amish dairy herd in Middlebury, IN. Our shareholdership entitles us to buy fresh raw milk for our family. We couldn't be more excited!

Raw milk is SO much better for you than pasteurized milk. We made the switch last week and everybody in the house loves the new milk, Moose included.

Since it's Amish milk, it's organic but not certified because the farmers don't have the financial investment required to be certified. But these are people who sow their fields with those horse-drawn tiller things. They're not using chemicals on their land. The dairy cows roam free, grazing on fresh pasture each day.

Since dairy farming is not very profitable, we're supporting our farm with a fair price for the extra work required to keep the cows healthy and the farm clean to support safe raw milk. In turn, we get the extra nutrients in superior milk. It's a win/win situation for all!

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