Wednesday, November 22, 2006

So much to be thankful for

Dear God,

You have brought so many wonderful things into my life this year. I cannot thank You enough.

Thank you for my wonderful husband. He is everything You knew I needed and wanted in a partner. Thank you for making him for me. He is a terrific father, too. I am so very thankful for him.

Thank you for my family and my friends who are as close as family to me. Thank you for giving me people who love me no matter what. These people ARE Jesus to me. They love me and sacrifice for me and are always there. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful circle of love and support. There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful for my Posse. (Adan, Crystal, Michelle, Tracy, Michele, Kim, Sue, Alice, Brandi, Chris, Lisa and Nicole...I'm talking about YOU!)

Thank you for my son. Jackson is the most amazing thing to ever happen to me. He is a perfect, pure soul that came out of me. He takes my breath away. There aren't words to express how much I love him. He is the dream and the prayer of my heart that I longed for, for so many years. Thank you for finally giving him to me.

Thank you for my health. This year was one that I focused on keeping myself well because of my pregnancy and I am so grateful to have been successful at managing my diabetes. There were some ups and downs, but You always kept me safe.

Thank you for providing so freely for my family. You have richly rewarded my husband's hard work with a very successful career. Thank you for a comfortable lifestyle.

Thank you for my pets. Their smiles, kisses, purrs and swishing tails are full of love and devotion to me and my family. "Dog" spelled backwards is "God". Coincidence? I think not. Bella and Katie love us just as passionately, freely, and unconditionally as You do.

Thank you for everything good in my life, and help me to always remember James 1:17: "Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." (New Living Translation)

You are so good to me. I cannot thank You enough.


P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

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