Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It's a Festivus Day Miracle!

Last night:

Bed time baba: 10 pm
Bed time sleepy sleepy lavender bath: 10:30 pm
Bed time lullabies and massage with sleepy sleepy lavender lotion: 10: 45 pm
Drift off to sleepy sleepyland, population: Jackson 11 pm
Wake for baba: 5 AM.

Yeah, you read that right. 6 hours. Straight.

I feel human again!

Jackson knew just what Momma wanted for Christmas, and homeboy delivered.

2 Responses:

The Mama said...

Oh, that sounds so glorious!! I totally know how you feel, who knew that 6 straight hours of sleep could make you an entirely new person, right?

Here's wishes of many many more nights of 6 hours straight!

The Mama said...

Oh, and by the way, I totally think Festivus rocks!