Friday, March 16, 2007

Two people who don't "get" Daylight Savings Time: Me AND Moose

We're all screwed up with the hour change thing. Baby can't get to sleep at his "regular" bed time, nap times are off schedule and he's sleeping in until 8:30 every morning. I am having a challenge dealing with all of the above, with the exception of the sleeping until 8:30 thing.

I think the Moose would also like farmers to just get up an hour earlier. Newsflash, Farmer Man: Even when we tell you it's 5:00 AM, it's still really 4:00.


2 Responses:

Brandi said...

Amen!!!!! Adri's all messed up too, except she's waking up at 6:30 instead of 7:30 and only taking 45 minute naps. I feel like a mommy zombie again!

AMANDA said...

Yes, time changes always screw up schedules. It's nice when they sleep in though!