Monday, August 21, 2006

Jack Attack!

Jackson and I had our first Non Stress Test this morning at Dr. Y's. Still love Dr. Y. I actually saw one of her CNM's today, and she was just as awesome as Dr. Y. It's like the dawning of a new day. It's this "Oh WOW so this is what it feels like to love and trust the doctors who will be bringing my child into the world" feeling. I WISH I had made the change sooner! The Midwife was awesome, took plenty of time to address my questions and concerns du jour and just had such a sweet, helpful spirit about her. Ahhhh....sigh of relief.

Anyways, back to the NST. I had never had this test before, but it involves a couple of straps that hold these sensors on your belly. The sensors measure the baby's heart rate from what I gathered. Then they give you this little clicker to push when you feel the baby move. There's a little printout that comes out that shows the rise & fall of the baby's heart rate in correlation to the baby's movement. I guess it also shows if I have any contractions too. So they strap me in and give me the clicker and said it would take 15 mins to a half an hour. OK, no big deal...I don't have anywhere else I "need" to be right now, so I can hang out, relax, and read a magazine while clicking kicks. Oh no I can't! Action Jackson decides he has had it with these MFing sensors on my MFing belly and starts doing his Billy Blanks Tae-Bo routine. The kid kicks so fast and hard that I can't click them all. I don't have time to crack open a magazine, because I'm sitting there clicking furiously. I swear my son was writing the script to The Fast And The Furious 4: Uterus Style. We can literally see my belly jumping up and down and I'm clicking, clicking, clicking like a madwoman. The nurses are all dying laughing, they didn't believe me about how active Jack is. Well, now they know.

Five minutes later, I'm all done and Jack is pronounced healthy as a horse. A very, very kicky horse.

1 Responses (Leave a Comment):

The Mama said...

Very cute, thanks for the laugh! Ian was a very active baby inside, and he has a fairly mellow personality. I wish the same for little Jack!