Monday, October 23, 2006

Please tell me the Land of Bad Mothers isn't calling because they are missing their Queen

Jackson had a particularly spitup-y morning and I hadn't yet had a shower.

Necessity was the mother of invention, and I crafted a crude "sling" from a couple of cloth diapers (thin, dries quickly, provides just enough traction to keep a wet and slippery baby in my grasp). I strapped the kid in and we took a shower together. He kind of liked the sprinkling water (he loves his bath normally) and didn't fuss at all. Now we're both freshly bathed and warmly dressed and we're both pretty happy about it.

Please tell me it's not a Crime Against Children to take a shower with a three week old baby. Because it worked well and I just may do it again (and again and again and again) so we can both avoid becoming Smelly People.

2 Responses:

The Mama said...

Well, I have showered and bathed with Gracie since she was born, and I bathe with Ian, although he hates the shower so far. It's a good thing. I decided early on that the one thing I was not going to sacrafice was my shower. It worked!! Gracie loved to play in the tub while I showered as a baby and still to this day will jump in and play. It's an easy way to get a few quiet moments. My favorite is when Ian is napping and then Gracie and I jump in her shower. We stay in there for half and hour sometimes!! And now the last few weeks Gracie has been requesting to shower by her self. I think I have the cleanest toddler around!

Unknown said...

I always either showered or bathed with Bobby when he was little so I see nothing wrong with it. It just a nice way of getting something essential done and keeping your sanity. Well done.