Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Joy of Soy

So my Monthly Feminine Discomfort looms on the horizon. This is more information than anybody really wants to know, but it plays a key role in the story.

I am usually horribly crabby around this time. Like I want to kill people and run away. But right now...no crabbiness. Since Jackson's birth, I have been getting a monthly PMS Migraine, which has required at least 2 doses of Frova. This month, no migraine. I normally gain at least 4 to 6 pounds of water weight. This month, no bloating.

The only thing I've done different is that I've given up meat for tofu and regular milk for soy milk. That's it. It must be the phyto estrogens in the soy or something. That's the only plausible explanation I can come up with.

I can't guarantee that everyone who tries it will have the same results, but if you suffer from really bad PMS stuff, it's certainly worth a shot!

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