Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Cute things the baby does

I sometimes record kid-friendly TV fare to play in the background during the day. I recorded some Dr. Seuss around Christmastime and I still have that on the DVR.

So I put on the Grinch this morning and Jack is in his swing singing along with the "Bahhoo Boray Welcome Christmas" song. It's incredibly cute.

He has also become a kissing bandit! Except his idea of a kiss looks like he's attacking you with a drooly, gaping piehole. He leans forward with his lips in an "O" and kisses you on the cheek, leaving a large deposit of drool in his wake. We don't mind at all, we love his sloppy, sweet baby kisses.

The other night, Tim was giving Jackson a bottle and after feeding, Tim wiped up the dribbled milk from Jack's chin. Then Jack grabbed the burp cloth and dabbed at Tim's face. It was like "Here Daddy, I'll do yours now!"

He's 5 months old today, and has grown fascinated with FOOD. Time for me to buy that food processor so I can get started making his Super Baby Food.

2 Responses:

Brandi said...

Awwww! I LOVE baby kisses!!! I love it when Adri rolls over when I'm putting her to sleep and she throws her arms around my neck and drifts off to dream land *sigh*

My favorite site for making my own baby food was She the British baby food guru. You have to do a bit of research sometimes because they have different names for things--like a zucchini to them is a courgette. But her recipes are great!

The Mama said...

Wow, 5 months old. It's really hard to believe that. Time sure does fly!!!