Sunday, July 08, 2007

News Flashes

So, I still don't know what I believe regarding the whole Tongues thing.

But, after a few more church services and activities I feel VERY comfortable in the new church. And I have been praying for an answer and guidance.

More specifically, I told God that if the gift of tongues is a genuine gift for modern believers then He should give it to me. Call it Doubting Thomas Complex, but I need
to experience this firsthand to know it's "real". So far, no dice. Only normal babbling from me, nothing unusual.

After taking a break from my cleanse to honor my best friend's birthday, RibFest, and various other family activities that involved eating, I am going back on my cleanse platform tomorrow. Whee!

Speaking of RibFest, here's a couple of pics from the festivities. We attended with
Coupon Chris and her two boys.

Here's Moose bouncing and laughing with his favorite babysitter - I love how you can
tell he's laughing by how plump his cheeks are!

And here's Andrew, Chris' son. He's cheating on his betrothed, Gracie in this picture with a little cutie from the fest named Lily. SHHHHH don't tell!

Here's my little Moose, out to lunch with Mommy, Christy and his BFF Josh at Panera. He gobbles up Panera grilled cheese with gusto! (As long as it is cut into strips).

And here's Jax getting his splash on at playgroup:

And that's all the news that's fit to blog! Peace out!

1 Responses (Leave a Comment):

The Mama said...

Great pictures!!

I like your approach with the tongues thing.....I'm interested to see how it plays out.

And I promise not to tell Gracie about Andrew and Lily. No need to get her all up in arms yet. Maintaining a long distance relationship is hard, I don't want her to start too young!