Friday, July 28, 2006

Dear Dogs, did you have to eat my entire lunch?

I love Bella and Katie. They are really good dogs for the most part. They love to play and are very affectionate pets. They're fairly well behaved with the exception of liking to jump up on people to greet them and pulling on the leash when something interesting grabs their attention. Bella makes some pretty stinky farts, and last night Katie belched right in Tim's face and that was pretty funny. So they're gassy, like to jump up on you to say hello but for the most part, they're really good pets.

Today I wrote out a very long list of chores I should do to ready the house for a weekend of relaxing. After washing & putting away dishes, tidying up the kitchen, making 2 gallons of crystal light and 1 gallon of iced green tea, I realized it was 1:00 in the afternoon and I still haven't had lunch. I had a leftover taco from dinner out this week with hubby, so I tossed that in the microwave and drained and rinsed a can of peaches and served some of those with a scoop of cottage cheese for myself. I set my plate on the dining room table and then ran to the kitchen to fetch myself something to drink with my lunch. I had my back turned maybe all of 45 seconds. But that was all the time my Dynamic Duo needed to push out my dining room chair, climb up on it, fetch down my steak taco and split it amongst themselves, then snarf down all my peaches and nearly all of my cottage cheese. When I got back to the table, I couldn't even react because I was so stunned. The Gruesome Twosome had tag-teamed this operation so quickly and smoothly that they were nearly licking the plate clean and off to lie on the couches with full bellies before I even returned to the dining room! I couldn't even yell or get mad, I was so shocked. I just did that surprised, upset *GASP* that you sometimes do, that sucks all the air out of the room. Two sets of eyes stopped their gulping and swung up to meet my shocked expression. And then they ran into the living room, while I barely had time to call out after them, "BAD DOGS! BAD DOGS!!!!"

Luckily, I still had more peaches and cottage cheese and yet another leftover meat selection in the fridge for me to serve myself. I was more upset because I had already began dosing myself with insulin to cover the meal I had prepared. Once you commit to the insulin by putting it in you, you can't take it back. It's already in you and you have to eat to use up what you just gave yourself or you'll end up having a hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) reaction that can be as severe as a seizure, a coma or even death. It's a very delicate dance of timing and balance to manage insulin dependent diabetes well.

I just hope the dogs don't get an upset stomach from the People Food they ate and end up getting sick on the rug or something. Because really, I have enough cleaning to do around the house. That list I made for myself this morning is pretty extensive. And I'm really not looking forward to the nasty doggie gas later that will undoubtedly follow their mid-day snack. Ugh.

Enough of my ranting though - I have to get back on top of my List Of Chores!

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