Monday, July 03, 2006

My husband will readily admit it sucks to always be wrong

It's the running joke in our house that I am "frequently right" (as I call it, to soften the blow) and hubby is "frequently wrong". This is starting to piss DH off a little, methinks.

During dinner tonight, hubby was all stressed out, brow furrowed in thought as he hashed over this project plan he has to do for work. I suggested a soak in the hot tub as a form of relaxation therapy (he doesn't believe in scream therapy like I do, but the hot tub usually works for him...unless of course there's a Hot Tub Humper in there as previously discussed on my old blog). Hubby says no, he has too much work to do before going back to the office.

After dinner, I pressured him a little more to accompany me. I feel really insecure going to the gym by myself in case I have a diabetes or pregnancy related problem. I feel better if he's with me. So after much deliberation, he relents and says fine, he'll go with me since I want to go.

So we go and we chill and we laugh at the memory of the HTH we saw last week, and we laugh at the fat overly tanned middle aged dude in the Speedo and then pop out of the tub like turkey timers when our 10 minutes of relaxation nirvana is up. We head to our respective locker rooms. I always shower off and get all those chemicals off of my skin & swimsuit, then wring out my suit in the suitmate swimsuit spinner (that thing rocks my socks) and dress. Hubby's always waiting for me in the lobby. I'm not sure he even takes the time to dry off his sack, he changes so much faster than I do.

Anyways, so I change and mosey on out to the lobby and hubby is there with a pissed off look on his face. He starts making all these heavy, exasperated sigh-ing noises and "tsk tsk tsk"ing away. I'm convinced he's mad at me for taking so long to shower and change. So I ask, "what's wrong?" thinking "what did I do NOW?" He says, "You just
gotta hear it, don't you?" I say "Hear what?", still clueless as to what he is referring to.

We get outside the gym doors, in privacy so no one else can hear his admission with regret - "You were right, I really needed the hot tub. I feel a lot better now, more relaxed."

I just chuckled and told him I was practicing my Mother's Intuition. He said I was doing a good job at that. I have a pretty good average going on at being right vs. his being wrong. I told him if I was picking racehorses at Arlington, we'd be millionaires by now. :D

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