Thursday, May 24, 2007

Love Thursday

What the world needs now is love, sweet love. It's the only thing that there's just too little of. So here is what I'm loving today:

1) Acupuncture. Have I sung its praises to you before? Yesterday, couldn't breathe through my nose. Today I went to see Hot Doctor (more on this later) and then had an acupuncture session with the chiro/acu/massage therapist. The second the last needle went in (it totally doesn't hurt, don't be such a wussy), down came the rain. Everything started draining and congestion just melted away. I could feel the energy flowing. I don't know how it works. All I know is that it does work, for all kinds of ailments, and that is enough for me.

2) Hot Doctor. My doctor is awesome. He's young, vibrant, well dressed and impeccably coiffed. He's brilliant and open minded. He listens. He takes my ideas into consideration and lets me feel in control of my treatment. He respects that I know my body. And, he's incredibly cute with a very darling socially awkward constantly blushing thing going on that just makes him so stinking adorable to me.

3) My Girls. We're still working on our reunion and despite the miles between us (one in Colorado, one in Florida and two of us here) we have managed to communicate regularly in order to get things done. Last night we set up a private chat room to hash out some ideas and it was so fun. It was like hanging out together, but different.

4) My hankies and eucalyptus essential oil. I gave up Kleenex for hankies last month. Paper waste is for suckas, y'all. I dabbed a touch of eucalyptus on the hankie in my bra yesterday, it was like wearing a personal Vicks vaporizer all day.

5) Blake Lewis and Doug E. Fresh on AI last night. Did you see that? It was awesome. They used all the colloquialisms of old skool rap - "Say ho!" "Put your hands up!" "Somebody scream!". In case you missed it:

What are you loving today?

1 Responses (Leave a Comment):

Coupon Chris said...

To quote the Beasties,
"Fresh like Doug E. when I set my specs and on the microphone I come correct."