Monday, May 07, 2007

Who moved my cheese?

Our house is the Land of Boxes. Unpacking is hard with a baby. He really isn't a fan of being anywhere except Mom's lap lately. So I get very little unpacking done during the day. Then Daddy comes home, and it's time for dinner, and then there's dishes, and then I have to fold that one last load of laundry that I managed to get done earlier in the day...and before you know it, it's bedtime. And then tomorrow, it starts all over again.

So right now, we still have boxes all over the place. Most of them have now been arranged in a rat-maze like configuration so we can get from point A to point B. Here's my problem: I never find my cheese at the end of the maze! Poop.

2 Responses:

~T said...

It's been 2 years since we moved and I still have boxes. I found my silverware boxed in the bathroom last month (wonder how it got packed with the tampons and I didn't notice...hmm). Best wishes in your unpacking endevors!

The Mama said...

I wish I could come help you, unpacking is so much more fun than packing! I wish I had some advice for what to do with the moose, but my kids were pretty much mommy maniacs too, very hard to put down at that age!

Don't worry, you'll be settled eventually!